Alpenglow Images

Nature & Landscape Photography by Greg Russell

Alpenglow Images | Nature and Landscape Photography by Greg Russell




Deer Mouse

The North American deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is probably one of North America's most widespread mammals. If you've had a brown and white mouse in your garage, your dog's food, or even your house, it was probably a deer mouse. Because they are so widespread and occur over a wide altitutinal range, they serve as a good ecological model for biologists as well, and they have been studied extensively. Amazingly adaptable, it occurs over a wide altitudinal range, and occurs in a huge variety of habitats. Because of this, they have been extensively studied. I did my graduate work studying these animals, and all of these images were made in a "studio" in my advisor's laboratory.

Deer mouse photographed against a black background Deer mouse photographed against a black background
Deer Mouse; Image #0176 Deer Mouse; Image #0177
Deer mouse photographed against a black background
Deer Mouse; Image #0178